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I'm Ms. Kindee, the librarian for both Elizabeth Academy and Garfield School.  I hope you enjoy the links to weekly storytime here.  Please use the tabs at the menu above for your specific classes.



The finish line...

Week 9. Well friends, we made it. We survived the past 2 months of homeschool and the finish line is in sight. There were some days and...

Letting go

Week 8. A couple months ago we took a trip to Colorado to visit some friends. We met them halfway and rented an old house on some horse...

Reading between the lines

Week 7. A friend of mine sent me this image this week and it made me laugh out loud at how funny and true it is for what we are all going...

It's about time

Week 6. This week I have been listening to a podcast about TIME. It was so fascinating as the storyteller talked about how, throughout...


Week 5. This week I was reminded of a tradition that my husband started a few years ago. It's a simple act of laying by the kids at...

Thoughts for teachers

Week 1. Hi teachers! In case you are interested, I'm going to do a weekly post here to share some of my thoughts and feelings with you...

Facing a new normal

Week 2. Every civilization throughout history has undergone some kind of great challenge. It's just part of how life works. Look at our...

Take a breath

Week 3. We've only been home a few weeks now and already I'm starting to question everything I ever thought about the kind of mother I am....

Hope in uncertain times

Week 4. The past week I have made a point to get outside (by myself) for a morning walk every day. During this time, I will chat with...

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