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Facing a new normal

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

Week 2.

Every civilization throughout history has undergone some kind of great challenge. It's just part of how life works. Look at our US history over the past 100 years--we have had to fight against slavery, for women to vote, equal civil rights, gender equality, not to mention any of our own personal struggles as individuals.

Now, we are faced with a global pandemic, the first one in my lifetime. I was in NYC on 911 and witnessed that horrible scene. Yet, something happened to our country that day. Something almost magical, dare I say. People were more kind. We all bonded together because our country had been attacked, for the first time that I could remember. We let people in traffic and helped old ladies with their groceries. We stood together, stronger after that challenge.

For a while...

Then, I think it kind of wore off. We got back to the grind. We got super busy. We put ourselves and a lot of our dreams on hold for a while. Our schedules got piled so high, it seemed as if we would never ever get to our to-do list. Plus, taking care of others really took precedent over taking care of ourselves. We have all wished for time to slow down so we could just take a breath. Right?

And then our friend COVID-19 entered the scene. Of course, this is a scary time. We need to protect ourselves and our loved ones. We need to wear masks to the grocery and try not to panic. But we are home. Things are quiet. Our families are around us more than ever before (which is good and bad...ha ha). But in this forced stillness, I am seeing just a little bit of that magic gift that the Universe gives us when there is a challenge.

Suddenly, there is breath. Suddenly we are all very much in the present. And suddenly, we have just a minute or two more than we have ever had before. As we try to navigate this new normal, I hope we can take all the stress of homeschooling and posting lessons for our students, and holding our breath while we watch the news and try...even if we have to squint really see the little bits of magic that are happening all around us and more importantly, happening FOR us.

I loved this quote:

It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed." --Doe Zantamata

May your brilliant light continue to show you that you've actually been strong this whole time.


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